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  • Writer's pictureSofia Ng

Integrations Aren’t Just for Young Applications

In a world where technology often focuses on the latest and greatest, there’s a tendency to think that modern integration solutions, like iPaaS, are only useful for connecting new software and cloud-based tools. However, this view overlooks a crucial capability of these platforms: their ability to integrate older, established systems and on-premise installations. By doing so, businesses can continue to gain value from their existing technology while connecting to newer applications.

Cartoon older man walking aross a pedestrian crossing with a girl

Legacy Systems Still Have Much to Offer

Many businesses still rely on older systems that have proven reliable over the years. These systems often contain important data and support essential processes, making them indispensable to daily operations. Yet, as new technologies emerge, these legacy systems may seem outdated in comparison.

This doesn’t mean they’ve lost their value. By integrating these older systems with modern tools, businesses can enhance their functionality and extend their usefulness, without the need for a complete overhaul.

How iPaaS Facilitates Integration

iPaaS platforms are designed to connect different systems, whether they are cloud-based, on-premise, or a combination of both. With a wide range of connectors and tools, iPaaS makes it possible to link older applications with new ones seamlessly. For instance, an on-premise ERP system can be integrated with a cloud-based CRM, enabling efficient data exchange and smoother workflows.

This process isn’t just about keeping legacy systems operational—it’s about improving them. By connecting older applications to modern ones, businesses can increase efficiency, reduce manual tasks, and make better use of their data.

Benefits of Integrating Older Systems

  1. Cost-Effective Enhancement: Rather than replacing a tried-and-true system, integration allows for adding new capabilities without the high cost of a complete replacement.

  2. Streamlined Operations: Connected systems reduce the need for manual data entry and minimize errors, leading to faster and more efficient business processes.

  3. Better Access to Data: Integration can make the data stored in legacy systems more accessible, allowing businesses to use it in new ways that support decision-making and strategy.

  4. Greater Flexibility: Integration enables businesses to use the best tools for each part of their operations, regardless of whether they are old or new, on-premise or cloud-based.

Success Stories

Businesses across various industries have successfully integrated their legacy systems with modern applications using iPaaS. A manufacturer might connect its on-premise inventory system with a cloud-based sales platform, improving inventory accuracy and customer satisfaction. Similarly, a healthcare provider could link its legacy patient record system to an analytics tool, unlocking new insights.

Final Thoughts

iPaaS is a powerful tool for any business looking to connect its existing systems with new technologies. By integrating legacy applications, businesses can enhance their operations, make better use of their data, and continue to leverage their past investments while embracing the future.

Don’t let the age of your systems hold you back. Explore how integration can help you unlock new potential from your existing technology.

If you are looking at getting more value form our older applications, give us a shout we would love to talk to you about how you can make them sing again.


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